My Stack

ClassUp Web Application

  • Collaborated with a team of 6 to build a one-stop productivity web application, called CLASSUP for facilitating students work collaboration, by providing multiple services (reminders, study sessions, course reviews, access to course materials).
  • Technology used: Django Rest framework and React, managing authorization is via JSON Web Tokens(JWT), with PostgreSQL, deployment Heroku, leveraged Trello and GitHub for agile team workflow.
  • UI Design: Invison studio to create prototypes for the platform.

SignUp Web Application

  • Developed a full-stack web application used as a platform to place orders for real estate signs and signposts services for a Real Estate business.
  • SignUp improves communication between realtors and contractors and ensures accurate records.
  • Technology used: Invision product design studio, leveraging Python Django framework, JavaScript React, HTML, and CSS.

Columbus, Ohio
United States Of America